Hosted event

The St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Ladies Council of Catholic Women (CCW) were hosts to the annual West Vicariate Spring Day of Recollection on Monday, March 7. Meeting at the church were women from 12 of the 17 parishes in the West Vicariate of the Belleville Diocese of Illinois. President of the West Vicariate Joan Derringer opened the morning session with a prayer, Salute to the Cross and Salute to the Flag. The speaker for the event was Brad Colvis, who spoke on “Faith, Hope and Charity in a Time of Doubt, Fear and Suffering.” Following the speaker, Rev. Monsignor Dennis Schaefer celebrated mass during which the “Traveling Madonna” was presented to St. John the Baptist, Red Bud CCW ladies. The collection at mass was donated to Life Network of Southern Illinois. Following mass, the ladies traveled to St. Patrick’s Hall in Ruma for lunch, fellowship and a brief meeting. Parishes with representatives attending the gathering were: St. Mary, Anna; St. Francis Xavier, Carbondale; Mary Help of Christians, Chester; St. Mary Church of Divine Maternity, Ellis Grove; St. Augustine of Canterbury, Hecker; St. Andrew, Murphysboro; St. Bruno, Pinckneyville; St. Ann, Raddle; St. John the Baptist, Red Bud; St. Patrick’s, Ruma; Our Lady of Lourdes, Sparta; St. Pius V, Walsh; and St. Joseph, Willisville.