Evansville continuing clean up efforts

Evansville’s trustees are hoping to move forward with trying to get the town cleaned up, as discussed at their Feb. 8 meeting.

Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcer Mark McConachie told the board that he had sent out letters 30 days prior to those with code violations ranging from derelict vehicles to garbage to nuisance. “But we’ve had poor weather to deal with it,” he added.

The reason he didn’t send out warning letters to those in violation sooner, was that the secretary of state offices were closed, and thus people would not be able to get their derelict vehicles up to date with registration. “Now they’re open, but it’s bad weather.”

Since sending out the letters, he has had contact with those residents, and all but one has been making good effort to rectify their issue(s). 

McConachie suggested to the trustees that as most have been making an effort despite the unfavorable weather, he wanted to give them 30 more days to resolve their violations. “Our goal is not to impose fines, but to clean up,” he said. “If people are working on it, that’s the goal.”

For more from the Evansville village board meeting, please see this week’s print edition.