At their Feb. 5 meeting, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners heard a good update from Health Department Administrator Angela Oathout.
“Cases are declining, she happily reported. Oathout also reported that the county’s vaccine allocation is around 400 doses per week, which is split between the county’s three hospitals and the health department. “We’re pushing it out as soon as we get it.”
The health department is now planning on offering vaccination clinics on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with a goal of vaccinating 100 people at the clinics. They will also offer clinics for those needing their second vaccination doses on Wednesdays and Fridays.
She noted that the county is currently working on vaccinating those in Phase 1b, but there are a lot of county residents that fall into that category.
Right now, they are vaccinating residents age 65 an older. She hopes to wrap up this subgroup in the next week or two and then be able to move on to the other Phase 1b subgroups.
Once the county reaches the point of vaccinating the general public, residents can us a link to sign up for their vaccination. “Our goal is to get it out to the general population as fast as we can.”
For more from the Board of Commissioners meeting, please see this week’s print edition.