IDNR VOLUNTEERS OF THE YEAR–Among those recognized by the Illinois Department of Conservation as Volunteers of the Year for 2021 were Jim Pflasterer and Steve Burke of Valmeyer. Pictured at the awards ceremony are: IDNR Director Colleen Callahan, Pflasterer, Burke and Illinois Nature Preserves Commission Natural Areas Preservation Specialist Debbie Scott Newman.
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) on Aug. 20 announced recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Volunteer of the Year awards, recognizing individuals and members of outdoors organizations for their volunteer service to the IDNR.
“Volunteers dedicate thousands of hours of their time assisting staff and visitors at our state parks, state historic sites and state museum facilities every year, and we are pleased to welcome a number of those volunteers to the state fair to salute them for their efforts on behalf of the people of Illinois,” said IDNR Director Colleen Callahan.
The IDNR Outstanding Volunteers of the Year awards ceremony, honoring this year’s award recipients, was held during the Illinois State Fair on Saturday, Aug. 21, at the Conservation World amphitheater on the fairgrounds in Springfield.
For more on the volunteers of the year, please see this week’s print edition.