Thank yous for all the work on the Ratz Park Renovation Project were given at Monday night’s Red Bud City Council meeting.
In the public comments part of the meeting, Mayor Susan Harbaugh wanted to take a moment to not only thank those that came out to the Oct. 2 ribbon cutting event, but also for those that helped make it happen.
She noted it was a team effort with the city’s leadership team and the contractors. She thanked City Superintendent Josh Eckart and the rest of the utility department, who all put in a lot of work; City Finance Officer Liz Cowell, who tracked the project spending, which will be integral in claiming reimbursement money; Police Chief John Brittingham, for oversight of security cameras for the project; City Administrative Officer Jill Landgraf for video of the ribbon cutting; and to City Engineer/ Code Administrator Jeff Mueller, for “the heavy lifting on the project,” with “countless hours of overseeing and working on the project.”
For more from the city council meeting, please see this week’s print edition.