Cleaning up from the winter storm

DAMAGED BY THE STORM–Pictured is the outdoor patio area by Vices Bar in Red Bud, which collapsed last week from all of the ice and snow.

THE DANGERS OF ICE–The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office shared this picture of a county road district dump truck that was damaged by a chunk of ice that flew off of another vehicle.

Last week, the local area was covered in lots of snow and ice. Red Bud City Superintendent Josh Eckart shared what the cleanup and removal process looked like for the city.

“This particular storm created more issues as we received approximately 2 inches of ice first on Sunday, Jan. 5 before the additional snow on Monday, Jan. 6.”

He stated that from Saturday, Jan. 4 through Monday, Jan. 13, city workers put in approximately 300-350 hours. This included pretreating, plowing, shoveling, salting and hauling away piles of snow.

In addition, Eckart noted the city ordered three semi loads of salt, on top of what they had on hand. Each load of salt is approximately 27 tons.

For more on the storm, please see this week’s print edition.