Special presentations made at Rendezvous opening ceremonies

PRESENTED DONATION–During opening ceremonies at the Rendezvous last Saturday, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners presented a check for $60,000 to Les Amis du Fort de Chartres’ Capital Project Repair Campaign at Fort de Chartres. The funding was made possible through the American Rescue Plan Act. Pictured with the check after opening ceremonies are several local officials with members of Les Amis: State Representative David Friess, Randolph County Commissioner Marc Kiehna, Prairie du Rocher Village President Mark Wilson, Les Amis President Jennifer Duensing, Deborah Sallman, Jason Duensing, Kim Craft, Randolph County Commissioner Ronnie White, Carol Kuntz and Fort de Chartres Site Superintendent Shawn Chesnek.

After not being able to hold the annual Rendezvous the past few years, the event was finally able to take place this past weekend with much to celebrate.

On the morning of Saturday, Sept. 11 during the opening ceremony, the 50th anniversary of Rendezvous and the 300th anniversary of the first Fort de Chartres was acknowledged. Two special presentations were also made.

For more on the special presentations, please see this week’s print edition.