HOMETOWN HERO–A banner honoring local veteran Clyde Rowold is currently on display by the Red Bud VFW Post. Rowold, second from left, is pictured with the banner along with his family: wife Kathryn, niece Sarah Schlimme, brother-in-law Kenneth Wetzel, sister-in-law Karen Wetzel, nephew Brian Wetzel and great nephew Hayden Schlimme. Brother Melvin Rowold was absent for the photo.
Recently recognized as a Hometown Hero by Red Bud VFW Post 6632 was Clyde Rowold.
Rowold enlisted in the Air Force in 1966 as an aircraft mechanic.
In 1967, he served in Vietnam followed by two and half years at McChord Air Force Base, Washington. During those two and a half years, Rowold went on temporary duty (TDY) in Greece and Japan.
Rowold joined the Red Bud VFW in 2015 and has served as chaplain and senior vice commander.
For more on Rowold, please see this week’s print edition.