SWORN IN–Red Bud’s recently elected aldermen were officially sworn in at Monday night’s Red Bud City Council meeting. Pictured is City Clerk Joanne Cowell, center, administering the oath of office to Ward 1 Alderman Ben Schwartzkopf, Ward 4 Alderwoman Susan Harbaugh, Ward 2 Alderman Bill Hanebutt and Ward 3 Alderman Curt Guebert.
Swearing in the recently elected aldermen and a proclamation recognizing Red Bud Regional Hospital were some of the bigger items at Monday night’s Red Bud City Council meeting.
Aldermen sworn in that evening were Ben Schwartzkopf for Ward 1, Bill Hanebutt for Ward 2, Curt Guebert for Ward 3 and Susan Harbaugh for Ward 4. Schwartzkopf had defeated incumbent Clem Esker in the April 6 consolidated election, while the other three were all unopposed for re-election.
Mayor Tim Lowry thanked Esker for all of his years of service to the council, but also pointed out that Esker will continue to serve the city on the economic development committee.
Esker thanked the council and wished them all the best.
And while not an alderman, Lowry also took a moment to recognize Glenn Gielow and thank him for his years of service to the city on the planning commission. He pointed out that Gielow had served on the commission from 1990 and was now officially leaving it.
For more from the Red Bud City Council meeting, please see this week’s print edition.