A parent/guardian athletic meeting is being scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 5 in the main gymnasium for ALL incoming freshmen and returning sophomore Red Bud High School athletes. This meeting is MANDATORY for any incoming freshman athlete of any sport. Due to no meeting being held last year for returning sophomores due to COVID, sophomore parents of all athletes will be required to attend this meeting.
Following the mandatory parent meeting, specific sport meetings for volleyball, boys and girls golf and fall cheer will be held for FALL athletes. The sport specific meeting for all cross country parents will take place on Aug. 10, 7 p.m. at Lincoln Park.
General information will be handed out and /or discussed at this meeting.
Meeting time for the general freshman and sophomore parent meeting is 6 p.m. Sport specific meeting should begin at approximately 6:45 p.m.
For more information, please see this week’s print edition.