FARM FAMILY OF THE YEAR–The McCormick Family of Ellis Grove was named the Farm Family of the Year by the Randolph County Association for Home and Community Education (HCE) during the annual meeting of the HCE. Pictured are: Paul, Shirley, Stacy, Jared and Jack McCormick.
During a recent meeting of the Randolph County Association for Home and Community Education (HCE), the McCormick Family of Ellis Grove was introduced as the Farm Family of the Year.
Members of the family that attended were: Paul and Shirley McCormick, senior partners; their son, Jack and Stacy McCormick; and grandson, Jared McCormick; who are all involved in the farming operation.
The farm was started in 1941 by Henry McCormick and Jared is the fifth generation to farm on that farm.
For more on the Farm Family, please see this week’s print edition.