HONORING RETIRED TEACHERS–At their Aug. 19 meeting, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners declared Sept. 1 at Retired Teachers Day. Pictured at the proclamation signing are: in front: retired teachers Melanie Green, Kathy Franklin, Emily Lyons and Carolyn Schwent; in back: Commissioners Ronnie White, Marc Kiehna and David Holder.
At their meeting last Friday, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners honored the county’s retired teachers.
As they do each year, the commissioners approved of a proclamation declaring Sept. 1 as Randolph County Retired Teachers Day.
It was noted that in the school year of 2021-22, a total of 42 retired teachers in the county gave 10,858 hours of voluntary service at schools, hospitals and other locations.
For more from the commissioners meeting, please see this week’s print edition.