While at Ratz Memorial Park recently, Gary and Sheila Brand met Gary Petersen. His bike was loaded with equipment. Sheila started talking to him and he explained what he was doing. Petersen is riding his bike from the Canadian border to New Orleans. His objective is to help kids at St. Jude hospital. Petersen does not accept cash, but handed Sheila a business card with a Facebook website to donate directly to St. Jude Hospital. Petersen had just accomplished 1,000 miles when he reached Red Bud. He asked for a couple of good places to eat and then proceeded on his mission of getting to New Orleans. To help Petersen help the kids of St. Jude, donations can be sent to [email protected]/hearts_of_the_heartland. Follow him on Facebook at Gary R. Petersen Riding from Canadian Boarder to New Orleans.